Look at the faces of TVM team members , who grabbed the first prize for charity collection this time , of course with a record !. Each face is glowing with diffusing pride and joy and they have a solid reason to celebrate. While the pandemic Covid prevented people from coming out of their home for shopping, business across the world came down to its lowest ebb , affecting the charity collection also and all our shops performed deplorably low , except Tvm. Trivandrum presented a wonderful performance collecting their best ever, Rs 92,500/- !Let us all ,together, give them a resounding clap for their inspiring show at a time when climate was most uncongenial. Congrats friends. Keep up the spirit. Let others imbue strength and inspiration from your dedication.
George T.A, our DGM presented the TVM team with a traditional lamp in appreciation of their stunning performance .Team Captain Sri. Shibin K Paul received the trophy among thundering claps and blooming smiles.